Retention Marketing Partner for 6, 7 & 8 Figure E-commerce Brands

We build world class email & SMS marketing systems for DTC brands

More than 30 companies internationally place their trust in us.

Our results

Over $1M Generated for this Skincare Brand in 12 months

In the first 30 days, we added $29,000+ to this skincare brand’s MRR. Having struggled to maintain their email list in-house, this brand seeked out our expertise, and our partnership has flourished with over $1M added to their business over 12 months.

Over $942k Generated for a Health Supplement Brand in 12 months

This health supplement brand had previously overlooked the insane potential lying within their email list. So after setting up our advanced retention strategies using our “ACRO” system, we were able to add over $418k to their business over 7 months (and counting).

132% Increase in Total Online Revenue for this Jewellery Brand 

This brand came to us after working with 2 previous agencies. It’s safe to say that the account was left in a mess. The brand was struggling with landing in the spam folder, but after we implemented our deliverability protocol, we were able to help this business increase their revenue by 132% over 90 days with €40k added in email marketing revenue.


Amitay & Anastasia - Young Goose
Boomer - Troscriptions
Adam - Pranks Anonymous

Our process



Email & SMS marketing is nothing without a contact list, right? That’s why accelerate your list growth using optimised pop up forms on your website alongside other unconventional methods to turn site viewers into subscribers.



So they’re on my list. Now what? We set up hyper-targeted email & SMS automations to guide your customers to the checkout at each stage of the customer journey. This paired with our targeted email campaigns makes it unreasonable for your customers to not buy from your brand.



So a customer has ordered. Now the real work begins. Using our advanced automations, we’ll nurture the post-purchase relationship to get your customers coming back again and again and again.



Nothing in retention marketing is “set and forget”. That’s why we conduct split tests on your entire email marketing funnel to ensure there’s no guesswork involved, just pure data.

Our work

Showcase of our latest endeavours.

The team

Adam Coleman

Founder & Head of Strategy

Peter Humphries

Email Marketing Manager

Luke Organ

Email Marketing Manager

Frequently asked questions.

How many campaigns do I get per month?
Once I partner with Ajenzy Media, how soon can I start? 
Is there a time commitment?